Sr Pat Murray

Sr. Pat Murray IBVM to attend the Synodal Assembly in Rome in October 2023

We congratulate Sr. Pat on being selected by the Holy Father as a participant at the Synodal Assembly. Pat is currently the Executive Secretary of UISC (International Union of Superior Generals) and will represent female religious life at this important moment in the life of the Church. Mary Ward is surely smiling down on Pat and very happy indeed!

The purpose of the Synod is not to produce documents, but to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands”.

– Pope Francis

We pray that the Holy Spirit will be alive and active at the Synod and that participants are open to what the Holy Spirit is asking of the Church at this time.

Sr Cyril Mooney 1936-2023

On Thursday July 6th Loreto sisters, family members, friends, colleagues and volunteers gathered together in Holy Redeemer Church Bray Co Wicklow to celebrate the life and work of Sr Cyril Mooney who died in Kolkata India on June 24th.

Described as a larger-than-life character, feisty and fun, an activist and protector of children who wasn’t afraid to challenge systems, Cyril inspired educators across the world with her pioneering work in inclusive education.

Her Rainbow Programme of inclusive education implemented throughout Loreto Schools in Kolkota, was then introduced throughout all of India.

Sr Cyril Mooney

Sr Cyril Mooney

In 2007 The President of India awarded Cyril, the Padma Shri Award one of India’s highest civilian awards. She received the distinguished service award from President Michael D Higgins in 2013. The NOMA Literacy prize, a Unesco award recognising an individual who has done most to combat illiteracy, was presented to Cyril.

To her family and friends Cyril was Josie Mooney from Wolf Tone Square in Bray. Sr Lucy Byrne shared memories of her journey with Cyril, sailing from Dublin to India in 1956 both then aged just 19. Many of us shed a tear as her nephew Greg read an extract from a letter, to her mother, written by Cyril on that same ship.

It was a wonderful if at times emotional, evening as Loreto sisters, family and friends shared memories and anecdotes of a truly inspirational Loreto Sister.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

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